Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 38 - McKinley to Winton

The weather was still grey and wet as we drove down through McKinley to Winton. We stopped at the Walkabout Creek Hotel for an obligatory photo shot. Whilst we were there Richard jibbed a passing girl about the poor quality of the weather and after talking for a while it turned out that she was a good friend of a relation of ours, Charlotte Bronson. The girl, called Bianca, was a governess on a property 100km south of McKinley. She had to hole up until the roads had dried sufficiently for her to travel back to the property where she worked. Charlotte would get a lift 50km from the property where she was working so they could paint McKinley red at the week-ends.

Outside McKinley we passed a novel roadside display. No markings or plaque. Just a collection of stockman’s artifacts.

Further along our drive the road passed through acres of termite mounds.

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