Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 17 - Julia Creek

After a tasty lunch at Gannon’s Hotel we enjoyed reading about the history, countryside and people of McKinlay Shire. The information complex was cleverly designed and provided individual air conditioned display cabins with well composed and informative static displays. There were also many excellent videos featuring the local people and their life. It seems that the council is proficient at building new facilities but are not so proficient when it comes to maintenance. There were more things broken with faded notices and waiting repair in the council facilities than we had seen anywhere else.

We started on the nature trail about 30 mins before sundown. It looked short on the town plan and the lady in the information centre said it only took her 15 mins to travel a similar distance in the town. She added that she had not walked the trail but to be watchful for snakes as they were getting active especially round dusk. She said that the Death Adders and Western Browns were fairly numerous. The town plan was missing three vital letters NTS (Not To Scale). The sun was well and truly down by the time the track turned to head back to town. We spent a fair bit of time looking at the path ahead. When we did look up we saw wallabies, eagles, plovers and other small birds. The eagles seemed to be enjoying a good diet of the prolific grass hoppers.

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