Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 19 - Pentland, Day 20 Townsville 32 years on

Day 19
Caravan Parks that are away from roads and railways are a lot quieter. At one time during the night we were sure that a road train was about to pass over our tent. We didn’t quite appreciate the level of week-end road and rail traffic. There was also a group of ‘twenty somethings’ who seemed intent on sharing their music and giggles. Unlike some of the other caravan parks, the caravan park owner did not seem to have any inclination to ensure all parties enjoyed their stays. Whilst the basics are there, quite a few things were broken and there was a lot of fat on the camp kitchen floor. This site is not on our return list.

During our afternoon walk we stumbled upon a quilt making group. They invited us in to their hall and proudly showed what they were doing. The instructor had come in from Townsville with her mother for the week-end.  It was quite something to see so many ladies at work – all using the same machines and producing wonderful work.  The class was so well organised and the patchwork quilts displayed were truly works of art.  There was one very beautiful one made completely of silk.

Day 20

We headed for Townsville. How it had changed since Richard was there in 1978! Laverack Barracks was at least in the same place but so expanded and rebuilt that it was hard to recognise.

We stayed with relations Peter and Helen Granata and family. It was the first visit to them in Townsville and we were so pleased to have a little time to talk and see the great works they have been doing to their house.  The floors are beautiful – wide wooden and so highly polished. We tasted delicious paw paws and passionfruit from their garden and had time to get to know Brendon, Nathan and Bernadette a little better.

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