Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 9 - Off to Windorah

An early start to cover the ground to Windorah. The road from Charleville to Quilpie is a long straight thing with only a handful of turns over its 213 Km length. Just before we arrived at Quilpie we turned off to look at Lake Houdraman which has a reputation for bird life. Most of the birds were elsewhere because it was midday. We did meet a lovely couple camped by the lake who showed us proudly round their off road camper trailer. We climbed Baldy Top just outside Quilpie and enjoyed a 360 degree panorama of the surrounding countryside.

The road from Quilpie to Windorah was more interesting with much more bird life including several different types of eagle.

We booked into one of Cooper Cabins to avoid having to set up the tent for one night only. The owners, Ross (Chumpy) and Di Ward run a really clean and well cared for site. The cabins were eleven years old but look like they were put up yesterday.

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