Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 7 - Some mods and a walk

We lay in until the sun had started to warm the day and our spirits. It was make and mend; clothes washing, repacking and a couple of small mods. We couldn’t get our Elemental Folding toaster to do more than warm sliced bread mildly. I decided to use the base as a diffuser and attach a wire gauze from a Coleman toaster. Now we get evenly browned toast.

We also had got tired of everything in the cool box getting wet. We had some eggs in a cardboard carton. They had somehow found their way to the bottom of the box so we had eggs wrapped in damp wood pulp. We went in search of a plastic container that would fit neatly inside the cool box and keep the food above the ice. I know ice is best above the food as cold goes down but so too does the melt water and you have to remove the ice to get at anything. The only container we found in Crazy Clarks was a store basket. The girl serving found a basket minus handles that she gave us. We put lose ice in the bottom of the cool box with the basket on top and this has kept our perishables chilly.

The camp site advertised a 9 Km bush walk. It was pretty much 9 Km of straight track through the bush. At the end you turned round and came back. The owners do offer air conditioned guided tours of the Thurby station that sound more interesting.

We wanted to travel through the Strzeleki Desert past Cordillo Downs, with the largest shearing shed in Australia, to Birdsville. Unfortunately when we checked with the Diamatina Shire office they told us the track was not yet passable because of the rains. We decided to stay for another day in Charleville and have a better look round the town.

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